Tips For Discharging Material From Steel Silo
1.Before discharging material from steel silo, starting the conveyor and the gate in the silo bottom.
2.What degree to open the gate valve depends on conveying load.
3.If the silo is designed multiple discharge outlet, user shall open the discharging outlet from center to edge according to operating Instructions.
4.If silo is equipped with cleaning machine, it is forbidden to start cleaning machine before all discharging outlet is empty.
5.When appearing caking inside silo, keep at least two worker into silo to clean it under the conveying system stop.
6.During the discharging process, the ventilation outlet on silo roof must be open.
7.After the material is discharged empty, user shall clean silo inside to become easy for next feeding material.
8.It is forbidden to drill hole on silo wall or silo hopper.